Saturday, January 05, 2008

News: Holy crap, he slept in his crib!

Yeah, it was purely unintentional. Monsieur Henri was a tad fussy around eight o'clock last night so he was fed, burped, cleaned up after puking, and placed in his crib for a quick nap before bedtime. Thing is, he continued to sleep. He was asleep after I woke up from a little doze of my own. He was asleep when Darr and I decided it was time for us to hit the sack around midnight. He was asleep when we checked on him at 1am. Still sleeping when we checked on him again around 3am. Asleep when I got up around 4:30am to make sure everything was okay...

Darr: "Did you poke him?"
Me: "No, but I saw him move."

He slept all the way until six in the morn when, after seeing a sliver of one eyeball as he stretched his little arms above his head, I woke him the rest of the way up to feed him. I brought him into our room and when he finished breakfast he promptly, can't believe it myself, went back to sleep.

I don't know if the trip to Saint Cupcake yesterday to meet Ms. A and E was the cause of The Great Sleep of 2008 or what but, holy schnikes, I hardly slept at all. We may have to move the crib into our room so I'm not constantly going back and forth to check on him, which I did all through the night, even though the baby monitor was sitting on my nightstand.


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous...not just the fact that he slept so long, but mainly of the St. Cupcake reference.

Dr. A said...

Yipee! Definitely the cupcakes. Maybe next time you (and I) will enjoy the reprieve and sleep the full night as well.

Cathy said...

Nice job Henry! Hopefully this will continue for you guys. Your boobs must have been sooo sore by the morning. =)

VDog said...

Holy smokes!! Hope he continues for you!