Monday, January 14, 2008

A steaming bowl of papier-mâché

I wouldn't touch oatmeal growing up because the slushy mush resembled strips of newspaper dipped in glue-water that people use when constructing papier-mâché. Who wants to eat that? Not I. A few years ago Darr introduced me to steel-cut oats and my whole oatmeal world has been turned upside down. I'm blogging about this now 1. because I need to get my post for the day completed (Damn you, Blog365!) and B) because I need to tell you that steel-cut oats kick ass before I'll be able to sleep tonight.


Cathy said...

I love oatmeal, especially topped with tons of sugar and cinnamon. I've never tried steel-cut.

Dr. A said...

Bought a crock-pot this weekend for ease of bottle heating (microwaving boobmilk is a no-no). Now am making delicious food, with steel-cut oatmeal for today's breakfast. Then i see in the food section a feature article on "real" oatmeal, and now this homage to the chewy, grainy stuff.

Is there an oatmeal conspiracy going on here?

Anonymous said...

I, too, have always hated oatmeal because of the texture. Every once in a while, I will try it again to see if I like it any better, and it never happens. What is the texture of this steelcut stuff? Is it crunchy, chewy, or what?

Dr. A said...

So you weren't one of those kids in kindergarten eating the paste, then?
Does paper-mache glue count as a condiment?

Elizabeth Prata said...

I was so excited about steel cut oats when I went to Scotland. Land of haggis and oatmeal! Awesome! Morning after morning we were never offered steel cut oats. Whassup? We thought they were ubiquitous. Finally we asked our B&B lady about it. Turns out you have to tell the B&B lady the night before so she can soak them. They take a wicked long time to cook. I advise a crockpot!! But...they ARE worth it. ANd your colon will thank you.

Dan said...

My colon thanks me daily for a vegetarian diet. When can we get you three down to the "Wood"? I have yet to lay eyes on Finn Dixie (I am just trying that nickname, see if it sticks). Dinner is in order, and bring the Beaut, so Rocco can have a friend!

Christie said...

I didn't catch that article on oatmeal but I may have to go back and read it. And now I shall tackle your questions:

1. Is there an oatmeal conspiracy going on here?
- No, um, whatever to you mean?

2. What is the texture of this steel-cut stuff? Is it crunchy, chewy or what?
- It is chewy without being gross mush. Think pasta al dente.

3. ...You weren't one of those kids in kindergarten eating paste, then?
- No. But I did grow up under power lines.

4. Does papier-mache glue count as a condiment?
- Yes, that is why I haven't eaten it. Gross.

5. Whassup?
- Not sure. Will book travel to Scotland immediately to investigate this oatmeal issue.