Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Put that in your pipe and smoke it! She won! She won!

In case it isn't obvious to you yet I am a HUGE supporter of this woman. I can't wait until she walks into the White House as the first female president in our nation's history. Woohoo! Things I don't care about - how she laughs, what she wears, her haircut of the moment, that she cries, that she doesn't cry, that she isn't always photogenic, that she isn't built like a model, that she prefers to keep her private life private.


Dr. A said...

Woot woot.

I like that she keeps her private life private. What goes on in a persons bedroom or place of worship or doctors office should stay there. Except if you're actually president. Then we get to hear about your annual physicals. Can you imagine that if she wins? "Well, President Clinton's heart was alright, there's one cystic fibroid in her right breast and her pap smear was normal."

Anonymous said...

Again, I agree !

Noir said...

The Republicans want Clinton to win. They know she can be defeated with ease. Too many people HATE her already. Obama is a mystery and, therefore, much more dangerous. I'd like to see her pull a powerhouse move and offer Obama a vp seat. Talk about cementing the democratic party, once and for all!

Christie said...

I don't agree she can be defeated with ease but I do think a Clinton/Obama ticket would be fantastic!