Sunday, February 03, 2008

27 Dresses

I saw a movie! I saw a movie! My lovely, wonderful, fantastically awesome husband agreed to watch Monsieur Henry so I could catch 27 Dresses, starring Ms. Katherine Heigl, better known as Dr. Izzie Stevens from Grey's Anatomy. So this morning, after nursing Henry and placing him asleep next to his father, who was also sleeping, I bolted from the house to meet my friend in front of the theatre.

As expected, the movie was sickeningly sweet. Katherine Heigl's character is the quintessential bridesmaid, forever saying "yes" to endless requests to wear hideous dresses and be present for her friends' most memorable days. Of course, she is in love with someone who doesn't realize how great she is. And, nothing new here, she meets another man who sees her and all of her fabulousness. It was the perfect, non-taxing show to ease my movie-deprived self back into enjoying two hours of time in a dark theatre sans kid. After Henry went down for a nap when I got home, I spent a little time playing on the 27 Dresses website. Following are the results:


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you went and saw this, and reviewed it! I've been wanting to go see it quite badly, as I'm in need of a cheesy chick flick. Now I have more motivation!!

Christie said...

Yes! It will be the perfect movie for you. Besides, didn't your dear husband just get to go see Rambo? He owes you a movie. :)