Saturday, February 02, 2008

Not to be confused with that other Newton

Conversation held whilst listening to our recently updated music delivery system.

Darr: Yeah, there is a lot of Juice Newton.
Me: Who?
Darr: Juice Newton.
Me: Who's that?
Darr: You know,
Darr singing: "Let's get physical..."
Darr: Wait, that's Olivia Newton.
Me: Yeah, not the same.

Both women, both singers, very different music. As far as I know there is no Juice Newton in our music library.

1 comment:

Steenhuis Clan Member said...

That second video is just wrong. I'm so glad I chose a weekend to catch up on blog reading and not while having lunch with colleagues around!

couldn't make it past the giggly butt thing. Gross...