Friday, February 08, 2008

Pincher Martin

I finally finished another book. Pincher Martin, by Lord of the Flies author William Golding, is a fascinating read. I'd love to write more about it but the lil' one has gone to bed and we have prep work to do for the dinner we're hosting tomorrow evening for our friends the McMillers and the Wagners Three (of the Wagners Five but two of the older kids won't be attending).

Our menu, should all ingredients be readily available, will consist of orange, radish, and arugula salad, mushroom risotto, turkey confit (perhaps served with kale - we're still deciding), and both coconut cream pie (Darr's request) and Key lime pie. It's my first attempt at both pies but the crusts are already baked and cooling on the counter so that alleviates much of the stress.

1 comment:

Dr. A said...

Woah! Your culinary prowess continues to amaze.