Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Henry's first press

From the Portland Tribune:

"Among the thousands who journeyed to Hillsboro’s Liberty High School on Saturday morning, Henry Finn might have been the youngest Hillary Clinton fan.

Henry, almost 6 months old, was nestled in a front infant carrier strapped to his mother, wearing a onesie labeled “Tiny Democrat.”

“This is pretty momentous, the first viable female candidate,” said his mother, Christie Glynn of Portland’s Sellwood neighborhood, waiting in a line that snaked around the school’s parking lot. “I want him to experience it, even if he won’t remember any of it.”

Click here for the full text.


Cathy said...


Dr. A said...

Right on! He'll remember it. You'll remind him continuously, "Henry, you met President Clinton when she was campaigning..."

B. E. Busby said...

Now THAT's worth preserving in one of those acid-free plastic holder doodads people use for archival storage.

May all his (and your press) be so good!

Anonymous said...

So cool! What a great piece for the baby book. Congrats nephew!

Amber said...

That is awesome... I hope you have enough copies to send one to everybody you know!