Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hot damn, this weather is fantastic

Today we slept in, as much as is possible with a wee one in the house, and a dog, and two cats that meow incessantly when their bowl runs too low on food, enjoyed some waffles with fresh strawberries for breakfast, and headed out for a walk around the neighborhood. Good thing we got outside when we had the opportunity. The day isn't even over yet and already the gray, cloudy skies and rain are back. Here are a few shots of our day.
The "Where the hell are my parents taking me?" look

Flower in sunlight

Tired baby

Introducing baby, as worn by pops

Grab-happy hands meet fence

Up close and personal as baby goes for camera

Always with the kisses, this woman


Amber said...

Based on photos #4 and 7, I'm betting $5 that Henry has teeth in no time!

I found the link for those blog books that I was telling you about:

I'm glad you guys were able to get out and enjoy the sunshine while it lasted. Wasn't it glorious???

Dr. A said...

Teeths!!!! Kissymonster!!! Flowers!!! Chainlink fences!!! What didn't this weekend have?

Darren said...

Bacon. This weekend had a limited amount of bacon.