This just in, Henry is walking solo power (read: no hand holding of parents) with the assistance of a steady object, such as a coffee table or couch. Not only can he pull himself up, a trick he has mastered in the last few weeks, he can also sit down once he's standing. The landing is a bit rough at times, and he often seems a little shocked by the plop, but he can do it. Full steam ahead now, I guess.
He's cruising! Get ready, it won't be long now!
Go Henry Go! Time to clear the end tables, coffee tables, and everything else...
Amazing nephew Henry! How ironic it's the same day Miss Amelia started crawling! They must be related :)
Congratulations! There will be no stopping him soon!
I stopped by to let you know I have tons of advice and I will compose it into an email for you if you will send me a line at lawandmotherhood.gmail.com
I am still in transit to my new home, so it will be about a week, but I did law school with a two year old... so I can say it's possible, and even a lot of fun.
I will talk to you soon! Cute family!
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