Thursday, July 10, 2008

Reading lists

Primary reading list:
  1. Law School Without Fear
  2. One L: The Turbulent True Story of a First Year at Harvard Law School
  3. A Civil Action
  4. A Time to Kill
  5. Verdict
  6. High Albania: A Victorian Traveller's Balkan Odyssey
  7. Law 101: Everything You Need to Know About the American Legal System
  8. An Introduction to Legal Reasoning

Secondary reading list (not including recommended books on Supreme Court Justices (of which there are nine), fiction, and the intro to the study of law):
  1. American Law in the 20th Century
  2. The Spirit of American Law
  3. The Life of the Law: Readings on the Growth of Legal Institutions
  4. American Lawyers
  5. Stewards of Democracy: Law as a Public Profession
  6. Legal Culture and the Legal Profession
  7. A Nation Under Lawyers: How the Crisis in the Legal Profession is TransformingAmerican Society
  8. Lawyers' Ideals/Lawyers' Practices: Transformations in the American Legal Profession
  9. In the Interests of Justice: Reforming the Legal Profession
  10. Cause Lawyers and Social Movements
  11. Introduction to the Law of the United States
  12. An Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning
  13. The Nature of the Judicial Process
  14. An Introduction to Legal Reasoning
  15. Thinking Like a Lawyer: An Introduction to Legal Reasoning
  16. An Introduction to the Legal System of the United States
  17. American Law: An Introduction
Entertainment reading list (to be finished by Monday when the first shipment of law books arrive):
The Assault on Reason
God it Not Great
The Audacity of Hope
Raising Cain
The Discipline Book


Amber said...

As someone who hasn't read a whole book, end to end, in maybe 14 months, 4 days (coincidence?)... holy shit! That's a lot of books.

And your "entertainment" reading? I dunno... many of them don't sound so entertaining to me.

Good luck to you! I hope you'll be able to carve out time for one last pre-school-moms'-night-out.

Dr. A said...

What do you mean, no John Grisham?

Carrie said...

I've been slowly working my way through Raising Cain. it's offering some interesting insights; just trying to get through the whole book before I really assess it, though.