Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Before leaving the hospital we met with the dietitian, and after getting Henry home, I went to the store to buy groceries for Mission Feed Baby 2008. Henry needs to eat and he needs to eat a lot to make up for lost calories. At this point, our dietitian didn't balk when we jokingly talked about giving Henry a stick of butter. We are now operating from the place where if he'll eat it, we'll feed it to him. He devoured some chicken we got a few nights back but when I tried for a repeat performance tonight, he halfheartedly ate a couple bites and then brought the evasive techniques he uses into play - shaking head, pushing back, and turning away from the offensive food being offered. The only reason he didn't also swat at the spoon (my personal favorite because he inevitably connects with the spoon causing food to go in every conceivable direction) was because I was not using one at the time. He did, however, seem to like the yogurt smoothie we bought. (I later added some of this to his oatmeal cereal and he ate it.) Foods Monsieur Henry gets to try this week include the following:
fish sticks
chicken nuggets
cottage cheese
Fig Newtons
animal crackers
formula (added to his breastmilk to increase caloric intake)

For now we must monitor his temperature. If it goes past the 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit mark, another call to the pediatric hematologist is required. We're hoping that blood work done tomorrow will show that his neutrophil numbers are on the rise.


B. E. Busby said...

Urk! I had a great-grandmother who used to eat sweet butter with a spoon. Amari tsuki dewa arimasen, but to each their own.

Congrats on the grand homecoming, butter and all.

Cathy said...

So glad to hear he's home! And the diet - sounds yummy. Liam does the same thing with food - loves it one day and than swats it away (and all over the place) the next.
AND I'm SO glad to hear he's home!
Put on those pounds Henry!

Dr. A said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome! It must be such a relief to be home.
One other trick I heard, but this is more for preemies, is to skim the fat off mama milk that's separated and feed that... pretty darned close to butter. If its needed, there's about 150 ozs hanging out in our deep freeze that Erin is apparently done with.
Also the greek-style yogurt packs quite the caloric punch.

betty said...

Welcome home, Henry! Eeewww -- butter is just gross. How about ice cream?

Megan said...

Do they think that his lack of weight gain is what caused the low neutrophil count? Just curious as to whether it was the cause, or if his lack of weight gain is what prompted the test which revealed the problem, but is unrelated to the neutrophil count.

Either way, pack on those pounds, buddy!

Abcdpdx said...

mmm, greek yogurt is WONDERFUL. arg! I'm so grateful for modern medicine, but it ain't magic, and the trial and error feel to the various tests is frustrating and scary! but glad he's home.

Anne said...

Eat up Henry way to go little one. So glad to hear you are back home.

Dr. A said...

Why has no one made butter flavored ice cream?

Christie said...

Ms. A,
There's butter pecan ice cream. Mmmm...

Not sure. It could be that whatever is making him sick and have the low neutrophil count is causing his loss of appetite or that the two are totally unrelated. More testing is being done. This kid is an enigma.

Anonymous said...

Avocado has lots of gooooood fat in it. Glad Henry is home!