Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I don't normally like Herbert all that much

But he's got a good op-ed piece in the NY Times today about offshore drilling. It breaks my heart that "63 percent of respondents to an ABC News poll...want the embargo on new offshore drilling to be lifted by the federal government." How dumb are people?
"Public officials should be disabusing the electorate of its delusions, not encouraging them. The widespread mistaken notions about the potential impact of offshore drilling on gasoline prices reminds me of the large percentages of Americans who were encouraged to believe, and did believe — erroneously — that Iraq and Saddam Hussein had something to do with the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001."


Dr. A said...

So only 37% of the US populace reads the NY Times? Or listens to NPR for that matter....
I bet these are the same people who believe the obesity epidemic is due to a new virus and has nothing to do with how dramatically our diet has changed over the last 30 years.

Amber said...

That piece sums up my feelings exactly, and much better than I could do so. Isn't it someone's responsibility (elected officials, and if not them, then the media) to remind people that the results they're hoping for just aren't realistic? I keep hearing all these poll numbers and they're all based on a hypothetical that is known to be impossible. I've gone on about this before so I'll spare you now. :) Arg.