Saturday, September 20, 2008

PDS - Palin Derangement Syndrome

From the San Francisco Chronicle by Mark Morford.

"Every white woman I know is positively horrified.

Wait, that's not exactly true. It's more accurate to say that every thoughtful or liberal or intuitive or open-minded white woman I know worth her vagina monologue and her self-determination and two centuries of nonstop striving for equal rights and sexual freedom and exhaustive patriarchal unshackling is right now openly horrified, appalled at what the addition of shrill PTA hockey-mom Sarah Palin seems to have done for the soggy, comatose McCain campaign — that is, make it not merely remotely interesting and melodramatic, but aggressively hostile to, well, to all intelligent women everywhere.

Truly, among women in the know and especially among those who fought so hard to bring Hillary Clinton to the brink of history, nausea and a general recoiling appear to be the universal reactions to Palin's sudden presence on the national stage, stemming straight from the idea that there's even a slight chance in hell such an antagonistic, anti-female politico could be within a 72-year-old heartbeat of becoming the most powerful and iconic woman of all time.

They say: You've got to be kidding me. They say: This is what we get? This could be our historic role model? Two hundred years (OK, more like 2000) of struggle, only to have this nasty caricature of femininity try to hijack and mock and undermine it all?

It cannot be true, they say. The universe must joking, would not dare dump such a homophobic, Creationist evangelical nutball on us, this anti-choice, God-pandering woman who's the inverse of Hillary, this woman of deep inexperience who abhors birth control and supports abstinence education and shoots exhausted wolves from helicopters and hates polar bears and actually stands for everything progressive women have resented since the first pope Swift-Boated Eve."


Amber said...

Palin makes me ill. Her poll numbers are dropping pretty rapidly though, which gives me hope. It appears as if folks are realizing that you can't just substitute one woman for another--believe it or not, we're not interchangeable!

I hate that it appears to be non-college-educated white women Clinton supporters who are now backing Palin (notice how she's become the "star" of the ticket). It makes me think that it's those women who are tired of being left behind and stepped on and ignored, and just want to see a woman in the White House. Hopefully, a good majority of them will realize by November 4th that if they appreciate and believe in anything that Clinton stands for, they don't want Palin in office. She's the antithesis of Hillary Clinton (who I am loving more and more every day, thanks to Sarah Palin).

Dr. A said...

I suggest a new tactic for the DNC - since (a) people apparently are incredibly gullible (b) do not think for themselves, and (c) do not bother to check out anything for themselves, new ads should announce election day is to be held on the 5th, not the 4th. Then, those who fit (a,b,c) above, and appear to be the McCain/Palin supporters, well, they'll just have to take personal responsibility for it since they just believed the sound bites they were being fed.