Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sort of like cheating but not

Who has time to blog every single day when there is a baby at home and the law to learn at school and a husband who likes baked goods? Answer: Not me. And yet, I signed up to do blog 365 and have come this far it seems like I can't give up without putting in a valiant effort. So, I'm backdating this blog a day to cover what was supposed to be yesterday's post. Although, really, I think I am covered because I've been blogging at my school blog. I'm not a cheater after all. Phew.


Amber said...

As I've been madly trying to keep up with (comprehending) your law blog, I was just thinking that you've more than made up for a missed day or two here (although I have also been checking in here for updates of daily life--what can I say, too much time on my hands!). Plus, if I remember correctly, you posted on the leap day, which was optional.

Christie said...

I'm trying to keep up with my law blog as well. I should have been throwing my briefs up there from the beginning but things were a bit hectic so now I'm playing catch up. Ugh.

Is it making any sense to you over there at the law blog 'cuz I'm still feeling pretty in the dark. Like Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman dark. :)

I checked the blog365 rules and I am covered, either way - by posting there or backdating here. The geniuses that created blog365 realized that you might do things like go and vacation and not have a computer handy so they allow you to backdate. And you just have to post one thing per day but it doesn't have to be on the same blog. Sweet.

I'm going to go take a shower and get back to Torts. I hope to have the biggie - Prosser v. Keeton online soon!

Dr. A said...

You're totally covered. You could even schedule your OneLMom posts to span a week or two.

I love the briefs! I don't get them all and some of the terminology eludes me, but now it's almost a game to see if I can figure it out.

You have greater fortitude than I. I fizzled out on the Blog365 sometime late Feb or mid March.

Go Prosser, Go Prosser, Go Prosser!

Amber said...

Personally, I'm rooting for Keeton. But I'll wait and form my final opinion until I read the brief. And like Ashleigh, I don't get any of it. The language is just so cumbersome... I imagine it must make your head spin to read too much of it at a time.