Saturday, October 04, 2008

Housing Chaos

Christie went out to a Wedding Reception at 4 today, and so I was on Henry duty. Plus code freeze is Monday, so nearly everybody's working the weekend. Answering questions, writing and reviewing code while trying to keep an eleven month old from crying or injuring himself is mucho stressful. I'm sure you understand.

Anyway, Henry went to sleep without issue. I'm de-stressing by having a beer and some smoke house almonds (yum!) and reading my blogs when I come across a nice lucid description of how the housing bubble happened. It's a pretty narrow perspective, but it captures something which is often overlooked in mainstream media: people respond to incentives.

And it was by a professor over at U of O, so I just had to give a pointer to What Caused the Financial Crisis?

Go Ducks!

1 comment:

Miss Amelia Jane. said...

This warms my heart. The Ducks. Such smart humans we are :)