Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wallet, meet Ebay

I am trying out Ebay for the first time and BOY HOWDY! FUN! Okay, it was disappointing I didn't get the Pleo dinosaur I wanted to share with Henry (share because it's really a toy meant for older kids and because I want a Pleo for myself but can't justify buying myself a dinosaur). But I won my first item yesterday and am so very excited! I just want to keep using exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am currently "watching" eight items. I've learned there is a feedback system in place so that people know that I'm trustworthy. Well, they don't know yet because I have yet to receive feedback but I already paid for the item I won yesterday and what else could the seller care about other than payment, right? To make an offer (not a bid, there's a difference) on an item that another seller has listed, I had to contact the seller to get permission because this seller explicitly said you needed to have feedback. But, uh, wait! The seller has given me the okay to make an offer. Christmas shopping, here I come!


Update: 12:56p.m. Counteroffer ($65) received on my offer. Original price of item $99.99. My first offer of $25 was rejected but I have a pretty good idea it was a reasonable offer. Let me explain why. This seller mentioned he/she takes items not sold to a consignment shop. A consignment shop is going to drastically reduce the price and then give back to the person who brought it in a percentage of the item's cost once it sells. That being said, I KNOW that it is worth a lot more because the tights alone are $22.

Update: 2:07p.m. I counteroffered the seller's counteroffer. I later declined the final offer because it was $5.50 above the limit I had set for myself. Drat. But also ah well.


Abcdpdx said...

Dave is a veteran e-bayer. you should contact him for tips. he gets updates via cell phone and knows how to look at an item's history to see what the maximum bid has been, etc. (maybe that info is easy to come by?)

of course, considering that you, too are also married to a geek I imagine Darren may also be a veteran e-bayer.

Amber said...

My condolences to your husband. :)

I go through phases of being ebay-happy and then burning out on it altogether. I don't think I've ever fully gotten the hang of it so it still feels like too much work for shopping. But there's nothing like a good find to remedy that.

Dr. A said...

I'm on an eBay spree too, but selling not buying. So far it's been mostly disappointing. Realllly low bids are winning. Guess it's all about marketing. I'm having much more luck with Craigslist, oddly enough.

And I second Zozopdx - Dave has crazy awesome tips and tricks.

Rachele said...

When you are logged in, you can do an advanced search and examine an item's price history (search for completed sales). That will give you an idea of a fair price for the item because while the seller might have the consignment alternative, they might also know if they hold out a bit longer on ebay they can get a better price than yours.

I used the completed sales search all the time to find fair prices for items that I want to sell on craigslist, btw.