Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Totally me

For more Natalie Dee fun, click here. Thanks to Darr for showing me this. I'm still chuckling.


MissMVK said...


Rachele said...

You and Elise are two peas in a pod. :) Maybe I will print this out as kid art for her room, though she wouldn't quite get it just yet. :)

Christie said...

It's probably my number one pet peeves - doors to pretty much anything should be CLOSED when you are done with 'em. As a fun joke when having a girls weekend at one of my friend's parent's beach house, my friends would randomly go into the kitchen and open things and then leave them open and go sit back down and then wait to see how long it would take me to get up and go close them.

Megan said...

I like drawers and cupboards to be closed, too. This is why it's so perplexing to me when I realize I constantly leave them open. I think if I had RHG's fancy-shmancy slow-close drawers and cabinets, I'd have less of a problem with keeping things closed. Alas, I shall just have to persevere and work on my bad habit.

Anonymous said...

OMG... my husband would like me to think I'm a freak. I hate this too. I walk into our empty kitchen and several (bleeping) cabinets are sitting open. Why?! These cabinets are the perfect height that one would slam their head/face into them if they weren't paying attention. Cabinets should remain CLOSED when not in use - it's just common sense!