Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Month Thirty-one

Dear Henry,
Today, we're going to "the Mexico," as you refer to it, and you're turning 31 months old. So, happy 31 months old, little one. I can't decide if my favorite thing from this past month is your version of the Little Piggie game - all of your toes become different construction trucks, the big toe must be the digger - or when you say "No way, dude and José." Hee hee.

Developmentally, you've kicked it up a notch yet again. We're getting longer, more complicated sentences, you'll spontaneously recite the alphabet during car rides, books we read to you once you'll later "read" on your own, and, it must be said, your recall abilities are superb! While walking through New Seasons, you stopped in front of the meat counter and proceeded to say all the letters in the big seafood sign they have over the fish section. You have also grown quite fond of mama's iPad, and are quite skilled in unlocking it, finding your application of choice, and playing it. It makes me happy that you have great love for Apple products. This will make it really easy for you to convince me to buy you one of your own later on. "But, mom," you can say, "Apples are awesome." Yes, they are, son. So here's $2K to go and get yourself a laptop.
Many of your friends hate getting their hair put in pigtails or ponytails but you request it. It's probably because I've let your hair grow so long you have to tilt your head a certain way to see past the bangs and having it up means you can see like most normal folk. When in the car, you will ask for original songs to be created for any number of subjects. They usually go something like, "Hey, we're driving and singing a song about the <insert the subject you've given me to sing about here>" So, yeah, I'm not one for the overly imaginative when it comes to song creation. You are more stubborn at times but also more angelic. Sleep still sucks but we've come to the realization that it probably will until you're older. Oh, and you make a beeping sound whenever you back up. Watching you grow has been amazing and tiring and completely and totally awesome. We love ya, Bean.


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