Thursday, June 03, 2010

Flat Stanley

Right before we left for the Mexico! we received a letter from my nephew's school in Montana, and in that letter was Flat Stanley. I was so super excited to see him! For those not in the know, first graders will draw and color their own Flat Stanleys - based on the character from the Flat Stanley book about a boy who is smooshed by a blackboard (or something like that) - and then ship Flat Stanley to someone else they know, preferably in another state. When Stan shows up on your door, he usually arrives with a letter explaining that he'd like to stay for a bit, get his picture taken with the family, and see the sights before heading back to the classroom from whence he came. Since I had some extra time off from my SAHMama gig after our return, I put together a photo album with a little over a dozen pictures of Stanley in the Mexico! and around Portland, and shipped it back with a map of Portland, one of the zoo catalogs, and one of the shark vertebrae we brought back from the sea of Cortes. (Who doesn't like a good shark vertebra, right?) Here's a glimpse of how that project turned out...


Rachele said...

I just adore that flat stanley scrapbook. I did not know about flat stanley before this. What great timing for FS to visit Henry!

Christie said...

Clint Eastwood took Flat Stanley to the Oscars one year and I've seen photos of Flat Stanley with the Obamas so the flat little dude gets around. You can learn more about it here if you're interested:

Shawn and Becky said...

Perfectly lovely. Flat Stanley has had quite a good run!

Miss Amelia Jane. said...

I now totally heart Flat Stanley and need to acquire him somehow!

Amber said...

And the "Aunt of the Year" award goes to...