Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Sex and the City 2

Ah, bliss is a night on the town* with my good friend, some good food, and a movie (Sex and the City 2, ya'll!). Yeah, I said it. I went and saw S&tC2 and I liked it. Was it a bit long? Yes. Was it a bit overdone? Yes. Were the couture costumes crazier than ever? Yes. But over the years I grew to love those four silly girls from New York City and I will go and watch every new movie they spew out about them until the franchise ends for good or I'm no longer breathing. And yes, it does scare me, the thought of sex scenes with an 80+ year old Samantha. And it'll be sort of odd when they're still wearing high heeled Manolos as they hobble after their rolling walkers. But who cares. There is one scene in particular - SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! - when Miranda forces Charlotte to be honest about her feelings on motherhood that is particularly great because it's so damn real. (Don't be surprised, fellow Yummy Group members, if I suggest we do something similar at Genoa later this month.) If you like S&tC, go see it. You'll probably find the movie isn't as good as the series (no real surprise there, right?) but it'll still be an enjoyable way to spend the evening.

*I'm using the term town a bit liberally as the "town" we were in was Wilsonville.

1 comment:

Miss MVK said...

I saw it earlier this week with my best friend and thought the comedic timing was off for the first 45 minutes or so, but then it picked up and got pretty good! My favorite part was also the scene with Miranda and Charlotte (SIP!). IMHO, the best line of the whole movie was delivered by Charlotte in that scene!

I will also go see every single movie they make...