Sunday, November 07, 2010

Living room furniture online window shopping

Anthropologie - weird but I like it.

 DWR - had a chance to sit on this the other day and LOVED it.

 Hip - Darr's favorite but there is great fear the cats will harm it. Damn cats.

Crate and Barrel - what do you think of the legs?


Anya said...

i'm on the fence about the legs on the last piece, but maybe their shape will play well with your noguchi table? we should try some photoshop to see how the two will look next to each other :)

Megan said...

I like the couch Darren likes. The legs on the other couch are not my aesthetic, but the rest of the couch is nice.

Somewhat off topic ... if I ever get a cat again, I was thinking I'd put the little rubber covers on its claws. Have you ever looked into those? Maybe you have and they don't work?

Christie said...

Anya - Darr doesn't like those legs, either. They don't bother me because I don't think I'd notice them after awhile.

Megan - I have not but I swear I remember Darr's sister (Jyla) using them on her cats and they worked well, it's just a lot of upkeep because their claws grow pretty quick and you have to get new covers all the time.

Rachele said...

I generally think you wouldn't care too much about the legs beyond the first week. But, I do think the legs look a little Jetson-y.

LOVE the rocker from dwr.

Given your aesthetic, you should also check out (if you haven't yet) and I met an account rep from smartfurniture when I went to my design software unconference in Colorado -- she was telling me about their customer service policies and they were incredible (they will take anything back, apparently, even very expensive custom made furniture?? if I heard her right). I checked and they have Darr's favorite couch on their site with different fabric choices. Of course it would be nice to support local too...

Abcdpdx said...

no, don't get new furniture! now we really will be the only people left with a bachelor couch from the mid-90s. wait, did I just insult your couch? I meant to insult mine.