Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday brunch, part thirteen

Rachele and Jay hosted the latest brunch, also known as the Red brunch (since red was the theme). So, yeah, there was a potato frittata, the cutest heart-shaped biscuits, cherry scones, meats (pork! pork! and more PORK!), croissants (not red but still delicious), winter salad (with blood red oranges and red grapefruit), one large pastry item I don't know the name of, and strawberry sheet cake. And a beet salad. (Yep, the beet salad gets its own sentence.) It should be noted that there were at least two sauces that were served with the meal (both red) but as I don't really do sauces all that much, I didn't, um, remember the names. (My apologies to our host and hostess. What can I say? I'm rude that way.) This was the first time we got to bring a guest (Cousin Mia!) with us and she did splendidly. Of course, there were pictures...

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Darren said...

Romesco sauce. So yummy.

Rachele said...

Yes, romesco sauce, recipe from Naomi Pomeroy of Beast. Except, the recipe is credited to Naomi "Hebberoy"... her former married name.

The other sauce was a mild jarred salsa. fancy. :)

Rachele said...

the headshot of Mia is GORGEOUS.