Saturday, February 04, 2012

OHSU on a Saturday night

The little boy at the condo was chasing the cat and slipped and hit the back of his head on the hard tile in our bathroom. A few hours later, he woke up and started vomiting. First, he ralphed on his mama. Then he upchucked in the porcelain bowl, twice. And finally he blew chunks all over his bed. So we brought him to the emergency room, where he nearly threw up in the waiting room garbage can, and then he actually puked into a plastic bag provided by the hospital. He had a CT scan and we are now waiting for the results. Hen was a trooper with the scan. He was totally nervous but they let me stay in the room with him and hold his hand during it. When the machine started whirring, Hen smiled and we joked about it being like a spaceship.

UPDATE First review of the scan shows no bleeding in the brain! However, the scan was read by a lower level person and since Hen is still puking, the doc doesn't want to send Hen home until an attending reads the scan. Looks like Hen is concussed, though. Dang hard tile.

UPDATE Hen informs us that at the hospital his body prefers two Popsicles.

UPDATE We are home. Hen is fine. We were given instructions and a list of symptoms to watch for. He might be a little out of sorts, although he appears fine now and has even been able to keep down the aforementioned Popsicle, a fruit cup, some gelatin, oatmeal, and a radish and tortilla sandwich (Hen's own concoction).


Rachele said...

Oh Christie! Another terrible no good day. :(. Keep us updated.

Amber said...

What a scary night! Please keep us posted and let us know if you need anything. Did he sleep okay once you got home?

Abcdpdx said...

oh my goodness! please keep us posted! thinking of you all!

Miss Amelia Jane. said...

Good lord!! Hopefully not a foreshadow of years to come! Glad he's feeling better! (a radish after puking? That's a new one to me!)

Megan said...

No fun. No fun at all!

Brian said...


Shawn and Becky said...

What an eventful night. So glad he's okay!