Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Friend Story

My friend, Avery, came over today to play. We went to the mall to the Lego store. We were there for a long time, like seventeen minutes. [It was actually 45.]
My mama made us stop by the door at Target to take a picture. She takes lots and lots of pictures. She also said we were breaking the law.
Avery wanted to look at dresses so we found some pretty Easter dresses to wear with hats. We both like the pink one.
I showed Avery my favorite aisle. It's the noisy aisle. If you take this and go like this, it makes a sound. If you take this and go like this, it makes another sound. See?
Avery showed my mama the Barbie aisle. She said she wants to earn the Barbie dress.
We said, "Engarde!" and played with swords. It was fun. Avery had one sword and I had one sword. That makes two swords.
I didn't know Captain America was going to be at the store. That's crazy!
There are a lot of Easter things at the store that we saw. I like the spinning things and the candy things and the toy things and all the things because they are good.
We left the store and go to get the ice cream. I got chocolate chip mint.
Avery got the same kind as mine. We both like chocolate chip mint ice cream.
We colored our eggs when we got to the condo! I made two green ones and Avery made one for her mama and one for her papa.
We ate dinner and then we switched clothes. That's crazy!

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