Sunday, April 14, 2013

Bubbling Wizard's Brew

After dinner on Friday Hen and Avery made Bubbling Wizard's Brew. We were supposed to use white vinegar but since I didn't have any on hand I used red wine vinegar instead. The upside of this is that food coloring was no longer needed. Add a squirt (or two or three) of dishwashing soap, some glitter, and a heaping teaspoon of baking soda and you have a pretty cool reaction for the kiddos to observe. 
Ingredients: dish soap, baking soda, vinegar, glitter

Two crazy yutes

A little bit of dish soap is all you need

Baking soda = magic

Success! Bubbling wizard's brew!

Check out them bubbles, ya'll

Two very happy scientists

Let's do it again

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