Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hen's first t-ball game

There were no points, there were no outs, but there were a lot of happy kids running around the field and the bases. A couple of Hen's classmates from preschool are on the team and this plays a big part in Hen wanting to participate. Coach let us join the team even though we missed registration, and the Portland Little League office was cool with us going out of the neighborhood boundary so that Hen could be on the same team as his friends. I hear this will not happen if/when Hen wants to play when he's older and the teams are playing at the competitive level. For now, this team will do quite nicely. Hen fielded two balls - he was concerned that he had not got any up to a certain point and then two hits came right toward him. He also ran around the bases. He's a hustler but also a bit of a clown when outfielding.

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