Wednesday, January 08, 2014

The Amazing Fitbit One

I have had this little device for less than 24 hours and already I am quite smitten. Who would have thunk I'd be in love with a tracker that is constantly reminding me I haven't walked enough steps, I'm eating too much, and I really, really need to drink more water? (Clearly a rhetorical question but I'll answer anyway - Not me.)

Fitbit is a company that has an attractive line of really cool trackers to keep you in the know about your fitness stats, sleep habits, and food log (if you so choose). It is awesome. I got it yesterday in the late afternoon/early evening so I don't have great fitness stats for yesterday but I used it during sleep last night and learned this...

wait for it...

there's a graph...

you're totally going to want to see this...

My sleep efficiency was 98%, yo!
It only took me 6 minutes to fall asleep! 
I actually slept 7hrs and 9 min!

But wait, there's more...

When I check out my dashboard, I can see all sorts of info including what you see above (obviously), and other things like an activity graph, food plan, weight, floors, friends, and my very active minutes. It's customizable so you can see or not see whatever makes you happy.

Oh, and because I got my walking out of the way first thing this morning, I've already earned badges. The goal is 10,000 steps per day for now. I'd have to go up another 15 flights of stairs to get my next badge, which means I may just chase Hen around the building after he gets home from school. I'm definitely motivated (for right now) by badges and the novelty of winning badges and by seeing my efforts in graph form. My hope is that by the time the novelty wears off and the earning of badges and viewing of numbers has less satisfaction, I'll have developed a routine that has other benefits that inspire me to continue to be a healthier person.

Many thanks to Tanya for introducing me to this gadget. She is currently using and loving the Fitbit Force. If I ever decide to share my profile, we can totally be fitness tracking buddies.

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