Friday, February 07, 2014

Book ten: Clementine and the Family Meeting by Sara Pennypacker

We are nearly done with the books that we're reading from the Beverly Cleary Children's Choice Award list. Here's what Hen had to say about the book:
Clementine sees the sign about the meeting on the refrigerator door. Clementine thinks it’s because she’s being bad. And then she figures out that it’s a baby and not her, because her mom and dad tell her. Her dad takes her to Hardware Depot to get a tool belt. She wants to wear her dad’s tool belt. She will not wear her dad’s tool belt because she has her own tool belt. Her teacher tells her that his wife is having a baby. Clementine is always being sent to the office in school. Clementine is distracting people.
Would you vote for this book?
Um, yeah. Because I like it.

10 down plus 42 to go.

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