Friday, August 30, 2024

Important cat update


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Friday, August 23, 2024

Proud Democrat

I'm trying not to get too excited but after watching the week-long Democratic National Convention I am full of hope! It was a joyful event.  Kamala will make an excellent POTUS.  

It was good to see our old friends, former Presidents Obama and Clinton and former First Ladies Obama and Clinton, and our new friends, a group of Republicans, including some who had voted for TFG before, who are voting for Harris. I got a little teary-eyed when Senator Warren came out and was given a raucously long ovation that moved her to tears. I enjoyed all the zingers, many of them couch references. (I almost want to try and feel bad for JD Vance but the guy is such a dick I don't.  That guy can sit on a tack.) And I even think it is okay that neither Beyonce or Swift made an appearance. Would've been cool if they had but it is totally fine that they did not.  Kamala didn't need them.  

Vote blue, America.

Friday, August 02, 2024

First Solo Backpacking Trip - Twin Lakes

The two yutes, Henry and Elliot, went on their first overnight backpacking trip A L O N E.  Yep, they trekked in with their backpacks stuffed full of everything they might plus additional food and more water just in case with directions like...

"If there fire is crackling in the woods around you, grab your water bottle and get out."


"If you run into anyone that makes you feel uneasy, trust your gut.  Hike back out and come find me*."


"Don't play with bear cubs.  Mama bear will be close by and she will kill you."


"Stay on the established path. We want to know the exact route you took so we can find you when, I mean if, you get lost."

By all accounts the trip was a success.  The boys survived the night.  They did use up all their fuel, but now they have learned things like 1. bring more fuel, and b) if there is dehydrated food, make sure you boil the water to rehydrate it before you use a bunch of fuel cooking your hot dogs over an open flame. Next summer, we hope to feel comfortable enough to send them out for a multi-day backpacking trip on their own.

Da boys, heading in / Mt. Hood

*I was camping at a nearby campground just in case.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Hunting rocks in south central Oregon

Central Hotel was a fantastic place to stay and I highly recommend it to anyone who might be considering a visit to this area.

Because you have to stand near this kind of pic when you see it, right?

On our way to the Sunstone Public Collection Area. Note: It is way the heck out there.

A together selfie (is that a thing?) after some successful "mining".  Note: Almost all the rocks we got were laying on the ground and completely visible.

Blue Basin hike.

At the Painted Hills

Prineville Reservoir State Park - an unplanned but entirely lovely evening at the park with a water view!

Hen's Oregon Sunstones haul

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Gavin Mekhi turns 18 AND graduates!

Note: this post will include some very cute photos of my adorable nephew.  

Gavin just turned 18 *AND* he graduated from high school! 


His game plan now is to become an HVAC technician, which includes getting his certificate most likely through an apprenticeship.  

We are so very proud of him!

Baby Batman

Blurry First Christmas photo

Blowing up marshmallow experiment

Building a soccer goal

Cousin's birthday party

Goofing around during a photo shoot

Wearing goggles upside down

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Painting - see one, paint one

I met some friends for dinner at Ken's Artisan Pizza - it was fantastic, by the way - and saw these paintings on the wall. I thought 1. that they looked pretty cool, and B) that I could do something similar with watercolors.  

This is my much, much, much smaller version.  I tried a larger one, too, but it was less successful so I'm going to have to revise my methods for that one.  But I very much like the end product.