Friday, August 02, 2024

First Solo Backpacking Trip - Twin Lakes

The two yutes, Henry and Elliot, went on their first overnight backpacking trip A L O N E.  Yep, they trekked in with their backpacks stuffed full of everything they might plus additional food and more water just in case with directions like...

"If there fire is crackling in the woods around you, grab your water bottle and get out."


"If you run into anyone that makes you feel uneasy, trust your gut.  Hike back out and come find me*."


"Don't play with bear cubs.  Mama bear will be close by and she will kill you."


"Stay on the established path. We want to know the exact route you took so we can find you when, I mean if, you get lost."

By all accounts the trip was a success.  The boys survived the night.  They did use up all their fuel, but now they have learned things like 1. bring more fuel, and b) if there is dehydrated food, make sure you boil the water to rehydrate it before you use a bunch of fuel cooking your hot dogs over an open flame. Next summer, we hope to feel comfortable enough to send them out for a multi-day backpacking trip on their own.

Da boys, heading in / Mt. Hood

*I was camping at a nearby campground just in case.

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