Thursday, April 05, 2012

Book twelve: Henry and Ribsy by Beverly Cleary

Hen was so excited about this story because he saw there were illustrations of a fish. Once he saw that, he was hooked. He was also into asking every other page if we 1) were at the fish part yet; 2) could skip to the fish part; and 3) would ever get to the fish part. He's a funny kid. Anyway, this was another satisfying reading experience for us. Hen is a great listener and will often bring up parts of the story to talk about days later. He also tries to incorporate things we've read into our storytelling when we're on long(er) car rides. I made one noteworthy deletion of the text. In this story, Henry is often feeding Ribsy cut up horse meat, as in actual horse meat he takes from the fridge and cuts into bites his dog can consume. Ewwww. (So, yeah, technically there may be horse meat in dog food, I just don't want to know about it.) I imagine someday Hen will talk about my censorship to his therapist. Damn my need to suppress the unacceptable parts.

12 down plus 40 to go.

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