Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Boy outfit #19 Picture Day

Hen's school picture almost didn't happen, twice. First, he balked at having his individual picture taken. He was finally lured into sitting for it after I told him I'd read him a book once he was done. Second, when the entire class went outside and Hen proceeded to fight his teacher as they lined up for the shot. When she turned to me and said she thought Hen might not be able to be in the picture, that was fine by me. I don't let him hit me and I don't expect her to put up with that, either. So, I calmly said to Hen I was sorry he had made that choice because I was going to have to take away the LEGOs. After I asked him if he'd like to change his decision, he quickly got in line, and I swear his voice was one of the loudest when it came time to yell "cheese!" I hope he learns sometime soon that if he just does what he's asked it'll take two seconds versus the five to ten to fifteen minutes it can take if he tries to get his way. I mean, really, it's not like this kid has never seen the front of a camera before. Oy vey.

Also, I was a bit overwhelmed by what to put the kid in for his first official (pre)school photo. At least I was until Rachele wrote "what says 'Hen' to you" as a response to my Facebook status update concerning his picture attire. So, we went shopping, and wouldn't you know it there was an octopus shirt at Hanna Andersson and it totally said "Henry" to me.

Shopping guide info:
1. pants - Catimini, purchased on ebay.com
2. shirt - Hanna Andersoon, purchased at Hanna Andersson
3. superhero mask (not worn for official picture) - purchased at Thinker Toys

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