Monday, April 09, 2012

Easter recap

We woke up early. Well, Hen and I did. Although to be fair it isn't like Darr got any more restful sleep because every two minutes Hen was running into our room yelling, "Papa! I found an egg!" and "Papa! I found another egg!" We did a condo egg hunt, which is the abbreviated version of an outside hunt and is confined to only a dozen eggs (six hard-boiled eggs, six faux eggs) in three rooms (living room, dining room, and bathroom). I am happy to report all eggs were located. Phew.

The Easter Bunny brought a basket full of goodies and LEGOs! It's a good thing we were up as early as we were as we had plenty of time to put the LEGO dinos together before heading to Brother Nick's et al for Easter Brunch. All I'm going to say is biscuits and gravy. Mmmmmmmm... Oh, and bacon, too. And, well, typical brunch fare. It was all very tasty. Miss Mia was beautiful in her Easter dress (her doll had a matching outfit) and Hen was very dapper in his green slacks, white button-down shirt, tie, and quasi-new shoes. We hung out there for a bit and then headed over to grandpa's house. Hen didn't want to leave Mia but he forgot that sad feeling the second he stepped in grandpa's house because he realized he could play with the nutcracker. Yeah, nutcracker. He loves this thing! Give this kid a bowl of nuts with the nutcracker and he can keep busy for 20 to 30 minutes. Added bonus, he shares the nuts he cracks out of the shells. Awesome!

We spent a good chunk of time there, Darr helped his dad chop up a tree that had fallen on the house (a small tree that I don't believe caused any damage) while Hen and I washed the car. Hen also cracked nuts, played superhero cop in grandpa's new car, and had a little fun in the spray of the hose. For this, he wore his beaver underwear, socks, and shoes. He remembered to ask me to put his clothes in the sun so they could dry because his first time at the hose caused him to get a little drenched.

Of course there were pictures...

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