Sunday, July 01, 2012

Time for a replacement banner, no?


Christie said...

I want to note this so I don't forget. This shot was taken with my old point-and-shoot. It was captured when Hen and I were hiking in Tryon Creek with the "gear" I got for Hen after watching Brave - a sword, a double-headed axe, and some pokey ball and chain thing that was nerf-life in feel. We saw four or five snails, a bunch of slugs (some gigantic) and two snakes. We just made it back to the car when the rain started to fall. Good thing, too, because it really came down about two seconds after we got Hen buckled in and our weapons stored for the drive home.

Darren said...

That pointy ball thing would be called a Mace. Or I guess more technically a Flail. (b/c of the chain)

Christie said...

Thank you, Mr. Gilroy. Henceforth, I shall call the pokey ball and chain thing by its proper name.