Sunday, October 07, 2012

Photography: Lens 24-70mm

I rented the 24-70mm f/2.8 ED lens for a weekend job and since I had it with me before we left Friday morning, I was fortunate enough to be able to take it to Seattle. It's a hefty lens. It doesn't have as much wide-angle distortion at the sides and corners. It's super fast. I think this lens might now be in the lead as the next lens to buy. Although, with as little as it costs to rent, renting is probably the way to go. It's not like I need this bad boy around the house everyday. What I like most? That I can either get up close or zoom in and get someone's entire face in focus, rather than just the eyes or nose. With my 50mm I typically have to stand far back and then take a few more steps away from my subject to get what I want in focus.

As for the job, I shot an old college buddy. She wanted a professional shot she could use on LinkedIn, some shots she could use for her Kickstarter project, and a couple fun pictures. When we found an abandoned pink tricycle at Tanner Springs, it was a fortunate stroke of serendipity.


Rachele said...

"With my 50mm I typically have to stand far back and then take a few more steps away from my subject to get what I want in focus."

Are you actually able to tell, from your display on your camera, what is in focus? Or do you just know, from practice and now habit, that you have to take a few more steps back? I can't tell at all if I have gotten what I want, in focus, until I download the picture. My back-of-camera display is pretty weak, and I knew that, but I guess I didn't realize how much better the LCD could be? Can it be?

Christie said...

Practice and habit. I try not to chimp too often and mainly only do so to check the meter.