Friday, October 05, 2012

Seattle, day one

At Hen's preschool auction I won a bid for a Seattle package that included four tickets to the Seattle Aquarium, four tickets to the Woodland Park Zoo, four tickets to the Experience Music Project, two $50 vouchers for dinner at The Capital Grille, and a $40 gift card to Tutta Bella (a pizza place). We invited Tan and Zach to join us for an overnighter up north. As a bonus, I used our Entertainment book and got $60 off the price of a suite. (Woot!) Originally, we had planned on putting the kids down and hanging out in the living room gabbing like we typically do when we're together but someone (ahem, it wasn't me) fell asleep. We left Portland shortly after 9a.m, stopping in Centralia for lunch and to let the kids out of the car so they could burn off some of their wiggly energy. As you parents know, wiggly energy and a long car ride do not a good vehicular experience make. Then we continued our northern trek to the great city of Seattle. We happened upon fantastic t.v. parking at the aquarium and spent the next couple of hours examining tide pools, playing with felt sea creatures on a huge board, checking out all the fishies, and generally having a good time. Of course there were pictures...

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