Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The return of the morning sickness

I'm well into the second trimester, the so called "golden period" of the pregnancy because many of the unpleasant side effects of the first trimester like morning sickness are supposed to have subsided, and for the last two days I have puked in the morning. Not just 'felt sort of nauseous and like I was going to puke', oh no, actual vomit came up and out and it is gross and now I'm pretty pissed off. To top that off, my newly developed back pain was so reminiscent of a UTI experience from years past that I went to the hospital on Sunday night where I was treated to a ride in a wheelchair (this was fucking humiliating) and poked and prodded only to determine that, yep!, it's just regular pregnancy related backache. Wow. Pregnancy sure is fun. <insert sarcasm here>


Noir said...

Bummer. At least your pain is for a greater good.

I just spent a week in Hawaii, holed up in a Honolulu hotel because my gout got so severe that I couldn't walk more than a quarter mile. Thank FSM there was free wi-fi and HBO.

Miss Amelia Jane. said...

I feel your pain dear sister in law. I've been in the ER once a week for the past 5 weeks...thank God for good insurance. I've had 2 UTI's, a kidney infection, and "round ligament pain"..aka you're getting fat, it hurts, now get over it. Oh and each time I've been "dehydrated" and been poked with IVs for fluids. I look like a herion addict because of the different IV sites...not hot.

Sorry bout the morning sickness....I'm just starting to feel better but looks like I'll go downhill! We need/deserve a drink!

Christie said...


That totally sucks. Were you guys scouting out the area to locate a place to live???

Anonymous said...

Oh ladies, I'm so sorry you are having a tough time of it! As Christie already knows, I am one of those "bitches" who had a breezy pregnancy, so I can't say that I "feel your pain". I am also fortunate enough to say that I have no idea what a contraction feels like - nor do I have first hand experience pushing a watermellon through a straw. You ladies are warriors!
Let's hope that your symptoms (or complications) subside and you have smooth sailing for the duration of your pregnancies. Best of luck! ~Jyla