Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Democrats Debate: Part I

Opening remarks from Obama and Clinton - Both are intelligent and well-spoken, and appear sincere; nothing earth-shattering is said by either candidate. Had to laugh when Clinton got in a plug for her web site ( She apparently has heard that Obama's plans might be his downfall as they are - from what I've heard, not read for myself - somewhat softer in detail and scope than the plans she proposes (for withdrawing troops and health care specifically).

First question (summarized because Gibson went on talking for hours to get it out): Why not agree that whomever wins the contest will have the other person on the ticket as VP?

Smiles from both candidates. <awkward pause>

Obama: Too early because we don't know who will be the nominee. Ah Christ, now he's rambling. Says democrats should come together but steers clear of actually answering the question.

Clinton: She's going to do whatever she has to to make sure one of them takes the office in the next election. Mentions damage of Bush years and failed policies. And comments how she and Obama are different, yet their differences pale in comparison to McCain. Comes closest to answering question by repeating that she will do whatever it takes - read: I will take the VP slot if I have to - to get a Democrat in the White House.

Gibson to Obama: Again, summarizing because the man talks a lot: Can you understand why the folks in Pennsylvania find your recent remarks patronizing?

Obama: He admits he said it poorly and reiterates that people are finding it difficult these days - sky-rocketing gas prices, stagnant wages, basic level of high suckitude all around. When government fails them (we the people), they look to things that are constant and begin voting on issues. He stumbles a little but closes nicely.

Clinton: Dear lord, she's talking about her grandpa and how he worked hard and sent his kids to college. And now she is doing her little 'Obama sucks' dance, stating that people don't cling to religion and guns because their government is failing them. Obama is looking at her as if he wishes she would just drop through the floor. At this point, I'm kind of hoping they do run on the same ticket. And then we can follow them around Reality T.V. style and watch as they try to one-up each other for the next 8 years. Ultimately, her thoughts are we need to listen to and respect one another. Much stronger finish - "[People] are ready for leadership that will summon them to something greater than themselves."

George Stephanaopooulalouosluss to Clinton: Do you think Obama can win against McCain?

Clinton: We have to win. It's going to be either Barack or me. We're going to make it happen. Blah, blah, blah. Slips in how she's dealt with Republican nastiness for 16 years. George interrupts to ask the question again, to which she replies "Yes. Yes. Now, I think I can do a better job..." Tee hee. This is like Christmas.

Obama (when presented with the same question about Clinton winning against McCain): "Absolutely and I've said so before." He feels he is the better candidate. He explains how he is not elitist, out of touch or condescending. He brings up the comment Clinton made back in 1992 about cookies that people freaked out about. And now he's blaming her for using the evil, political tactics to distract people from the real issues. Interesting...because when he restates what happened long ago and attracts attention to something that was, indeed, controversial, he somehow isn't doing the same thing?

Clinton (in response): Brings up her proven record of results. Reiterates we need to respect people and that Repubs are evil.

Gibson (brings up the Rev. Wright debacle and wants to know what Obama knew about the reverend that would cause him to uninvite the reverend to some function over a year ago):

Obama: Didn't want folks to be "distracted" by the reverend. I place quotes on "distracted" because I'm beginning to feel as if he thinks I'm too stupid to see past all of this crap. Is he being condescending right now? Goes on to say Pastor Wright is a touch crazy but not AS crazy as he seems in those clips we've all watched. African Americans are angry at the barbershop. Man alive, if a white person had said that it'd be BAD. Obama could have only made that statement more offensive if he had those folks eating watermelon when they spoke about their black anger while getting their hairs cut. There's a lot of movement in Obama's campaign - moving forward, moving on, moving beyond, etc.

Gibson (to Clinton's response about what she said she would do if her master of faith man went bonkers and said some of the same things - did she really expect 8000 people to walk out?):

Clinton: Personal question, personal answer. Says you find a church that matches your own beliefs, and provides you with the kind of fellowship you are looking for. Ouch. Her barbs are more subtle this time but still there.

Obama (in response to Clinton's response): "I didn't hear them because I wasn't in church that day." Clinton's former pastor publicly talked about how Wright had an extraordinary ministry. Two important points: I wasn't aware. The church extends beyond the pastor. And number three - if we can't bridge divides, we can't solve problems.

Stephanaolpualoualasousls to Obama: Two part question - do you think Rev. Wright loves America as much as you do? If you get the nomination what will you do when those tapes are played over and over and over...

Obama: If not those tapes, other tapes. American people will look at his track record and will rally behind him. Now thinks the American people are too smart to be distracted by negativity.

Gibson (feeling imbalance of time, Obama looking weary, gives mic to Clinton): Move on or comment?

Clinton: Comments how we (the people) have heard multiple explanations for Wright's comments. I thought she was going to go negative and for a cheap dig but she says we need to look for a way to overcome the anger. AND here comes the negative - she mentions Farrakhan and Hamas.

Stephanalpoulous to Clinton (video clip question from viewer): Lost viewer's vote with sniper fire lie - What can you tell me to get back my vote?

Clinton: "I'm a lot of things but I'm not dumb." She's embarrassed, admits mistake, apologizes for error. Explains what happened that day and that she wasn't "as accurate" as she should have been. "Very sorry." In other words, I lied. Whoops. My bad. Proceeds with experience claims and mentions that both candidates have said things that were later proven to be not entirely true.

Stephanaooupopulous to Obama (after explaining that Obama's campaign sends out e-mails about Clinton daily): Do you believe Sen. Clinton has been truthful about her past?

Obama: "Strong record to run on... I haven't commented on the issue of Bosnia." <interruption from George> "Your campaign has," to which Obama replies, "Of course." Seems to me he often is trying to remove himself from things that he is very much a part of. So if he isn't the actual person sending out those e-mails bashing Clinton, he can argue he isn't negative. But his campaign probably runs like most campaigns, with him very much aware and approving of whatever goes out the door. Change the culture in Washington. How is he going to do that?

Gibson to Obama (video clip question from viewer): Do you believe in the American flag? Why don't you wear one? (Gibson - How do you convince people not wearing the flag pin would not be a problem in your campaign?)

Obama: "I revere the American flag...this country." Shows patriotism through actions - taking care of veterans, fighting to end war, working to restore upwards mobility for all peoples. Manufactured issues "distract" us from real issues.

George to Obama (follow-up question that mentions some weird friendship Obama has with one guy) "Can you explain the relationship and why it won't be a problem?":

Obama: The guy lives in his neighborhood and is a professor but said/did things 40 years ago when Obama was 8 years old that shouldn't reflect badly on Obama now. Obama was also friendly with Coburn, conservative Republican who apparently at one time or another thought women who had abortions should get the death penalty. Obama questions whether he should apologize for statements that guy made that he clearly doesn't agree with and didn't make himself. (Good point, it is ridiculous we expect everyone to say the right thing all of the time.)

Clinton: Another opportunity blown - now she's talking about how hurtful this guy's comments were to New Yorkians. Wait. I spoke too soon. She goes on to say she knows Obama is a good person and that she respects him but Republicans will raise these issues and they need to know how they are going to run against McCain and WIN. What could be my favorite quote of the night: "I wish the Republicans would apologize for the disaster of the Bush/Cheney years and not run anybody. Just say that it's time for the Democrats to go back into the White House." I'm beginning to think Obama is far too civilized and nice to get down and dirty against McCain and the Repubs. Clinton points out that her baggage has been rummaged through and she is ready for the fight. I believe her.

Obama: Sucker punches back with a "yeah, I know the guy but your husband pardoned two others who were affiliated with the same group" - talks about how he can win.

And break...more later. It's nearly four and I am TIRED.


Amber said...

Wow... this is almost word-for-word, and goodness knows there were a lot of words last night! Sheesh. We only made it through half before we had to bail.

I found myself getting really irritated with the whole idea of, "Well, I don't think it's a big deal {Bosnia, Rev. Wright, etc.}, but the voters aren't going to like it in the fall." Same logic as saying that "the campaign" has commented but "I" haven't... do people really fall for that?

Megan said...

Dang - if I'd known you would be summarizing so effectively, I wouldn't have bothered watching the first hour 17 minutes. I'll just wait for you to finish so I don't have to watch!