Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Democrats Debate: Part II

Gibson (with video clip question from viewer): Do the candidates have a real plan to get us out of Iraq? (Gibson questions: If the military commanders say to Sen. Clinton that it is too unstable, will she continue to order the troops home as previously stated?):

Clinton: "Yes I am, Charlie." Explains how military is operated by the civilian president. Bashes Bush. She is convinced we need to get out. It is in the best interests of everyone. Wants to withdraw within 60 days. Will tell the Iraqis that they have a blank check from our government. And wants to start an intensive diplomatic ...

Gibson referring to Petraeus's recent update to Congress on Iraq: "Are you essentially saying "I know better than the military commanders?"

Clinton: Nope. But she's sure that staying in Iraq and losing our soldiers is "no way for our us to maintain a strong position in the world". Iraq is a problem but it isn't the only one. We don't know what will happen. If we stay mired in Iraq, the Iraqi government will continue to achieve abysmal results when it comes to doing anything.

Gibson to Obama: No matter what the military suggests, you'll still bring troops home, too?

Obama: As commander-in-chief, I set the mission, not the military. Bush sucks but our military is great. Good point - Obama says he will always listen to our folks on the ground when it comes to tactics. Good. I agree. Talks about what we are seeing as a result of Bush's time in office.

George (talking about Iran): Should an Iranian attack on Israel be treated as an attack on the U.S.?:

Obama: We should keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of the Iranians. Says "when I am the president" instead of "if". Would make clear how we would view an attack on our strongest ally in the region. (Makes me think of Cartman from South Park: "I will kick you in the nuts!") U.S. will take appropriate action but he skirts actually laying out what that means.

George (to Clinton): What would you do?

Clinton: Create "umbrella deterrence" and let them (Iranians) know an attack would be responded to with "massive retaliation". Skillful diplomacy, yadda, yadda, yadda. She knows her shit. Curtail creation of nuclear programs in other areas of the region. Bring world to our side to get this done.

George (on economy, playing John McCain clip): "Can you make a pledge that there will be no tax increases for folks earning less than $200,000? If the economy is still weak a year from now, will you continue to roll back Pres. Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy."

Clinton: No new taxes for folks earning $250,000 or less, even if the economy is weak. Sweet. Used the tool in the 1990s and it worked well. A second web site plug - methinks this is because the media keeps saying how great Obama has been at using the internet to gather grass roots support. "That is my commitment."

Obama: Cut taxes for folks making $75,000 or less. Sounds like they'd get an extra $1000. Wages and incomes are flat while costs are rising. Laws written to benefit wealthy. Need to change how business is done in Washington.

Gibson (referring to capital gains tax and talking, talking, talking...) Should we increase the capital gains tax and doesn't that hurt folks?

Obama (as he responds, camera zooms to several uptight-looking white guys in the audience, presumably some of the top 50 hedge fund managers who earned $29 BILLION last year and only paid %15 in taxes): He wants businesses to thrive and to make sure our tax system is FAIR. (Me, too. Give 'em Hell, Barack!) McCain is irresponsible in wanting to continue Bush's economic policies. (Bush has economic policies?)

Gibson: But, but, but...when you cut, revenue goes up.

Obama: That depends on what is happening on Wall Street. Stabilize market and get credit flowing.

Clinton: Need an economy that works for everyone. Rehashes great things from the 90s when her husband was in office. Smart investments are key. Wants to take on housing crisis. (When pressed by Gibson): If I do raise it, it won't be more than the 20%.

Obama: Gets too much in the math and starts to sound shaky. Then disses Clinton for comments made off camera that were apparently caught by someone about how she would consider something she just said she wouldn't. (Neener, neener, neener.) (Gibson interjects again with: Isn't that a tax?) As if taxes are a bad thing. They pay for A LOT. More shaky math but lots of sound bites about saving social security.

Clinton: Brings up the old husband again and how we'd be better off if we had continued on the path he started us down. War and taxes to the wealthy are what Bush chose to focus on. Don't increase middle class taxes. Commissions are good. (Obama interrupts: Commissions are bad.) Clinton responds: We'll work it out.

Gibson: What about the guns?

Clinton: Bring back the Cops program to help drive down the crime rate. Reinstate the assault weapons ban. Our police are being "outgunned". Respect second amendment and right to bear arms but need to strike a balance.

Gibson: D.C. prohibits hand guns. Is that consistent with the right to bear arms?

Obama: An individual right doesn't mean the government can't restrain that right. Reconcile gun ownership...gets cut off.

Gibson interrupts: Your writing was on some literature that was against ownership of handguns.

Obama: Wasn't me. Common sense approaches to illegal guns on the streets.

George to Clinton: Do you support the D.C. ban?

Clinton: Hee hee - talks about Cheney being the fourth branch of government. She is pretty clever and comedic this debate. She supports sensible regulation that is consistent with the right to bear arms. Um...yes or no, Hillary.

Gibson: Do you favor licensing and registration?

Clinton: It's a states issue. Federal government shouldn't make blanket policy about guns. What works in large cities like New York City might not be effective in states like Montana.

George: You were for the rules.

Clinton: I was in favor of the rules for NY because they work in NY.

George to Obama: How would you change affirmative action policies so that affluent African American children aren't getting advantages over poor white folks? [This ought to be good.]

Obama: How do we make ladders of opportunity for everyone? (Camera pans to older looking white woman sitting by an African American child - wtf? Am I watching Fox News?) Can't be a quota system that doesn't take into account the whole person.

George to Clinton - same question:

Clinton: Invest in our young people. Great answer. Let me rewind. TiVo rocks. Give extra help to those who need it. Revamp or end No Child Left Behind - we can do better. More college aid and make college affordable. "Create conditions that enable people to live up to their God-given potential."

Gibson to Clinton: What about gas prices?

Clinton: Investigate gas prices - believes market manipulation is going on. Windfall profits tax.

Gibson to Obama: People are cynical because we keep talking but nothing gets done. Clinton's steps are similar to mine. Also believe in investigating and windfall profits tax. Basically says they are the same thing as Clinton.

George: How will you use the former presidents?

Clinton: She'll have to think about how to use G. W.

Obama: Try to end divisions and work with everyone.

Gibson to Clinton: How are you going to make the case to them that you're the better candidate?

Clinton: We need a fighter to take on special interests. She highlights her plans and restates that she is ready to tackle problems. She just needs people to believe in her and support her to be successful. And here is the mention of children and the future. She wants "shared prosperity" and pleads for people to help her.

Obama: We are in a defining moment in history. American people have lost trust in their government. Promises were made and broken. He's a gambling man, betting that we (the people) want change. And that change comes from the bottom, up. He wants to enlist the American people and not be beholden to special interests. And he received whispers from an old lady, who's going to vote for the first time, presumably for him. Obama continues to say "when I am president" instead of "if".

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