Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And a good portion of the world breathed a sigh of relief

President Obama in the Oval Office on Wednesday
photo credit: Pete Souza/The White House

What are some of his first moves? 
  1. Pay freezes for senior White House staff. Good.
  2. Tightening rules on lobbyists. Good.
  3. Ordering immediate halt to all pending military war crime trials so he can review the information. Good. 
  4. Not giving a job to anyone in an area in which he or she had lobbied within the two preceding years. Good.
  5. Scheduled meeting with military leaders to draw up plans for draw down of troops in Iraq. Very good.


Amber said...

What a beautiful picture. His desk is still so nice and clean. Don't you wonder who he's talking to?

Elizabeth Prata said...

"Not giving a job to anyone in an area in which he or she had lobbied within the two preceding years. Good."

Oops. Do as I say, not as I do. NYT: "Ethics Waiver Is Granted for Pentagon Nominee "

Breaking his promise didn't take long.