Monday, January 12, 2009

Do John Mayer and I have the same dad?

Because when I'm trying to help my dad with anything computer related, it sounds exactly like this. Just listening to Mayer makes me want to light my hair on fire and run into traffic.


Megan said...

Oh my god! I don't know if he was just messing with the paparazzi or not, but that was hilarious. It is exactly like me on the phone with either of my parents (sorry Mom, if you're reading this). Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Megan, I am reading this and I have tears running down my face because I am laughing so hard--and I know I do sound like that.(Hopefully Dad is worse)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Megan, I am reading this and I have tears running down my face from laughing so hard--because I know that I do sound like that.(Hopefully Dad is worse)

Miss Amelia Jane. said...

I heard this same conversation in my house about 3 months ago with your brother and your dad. I had nothing to do with it, yet I wanted to scream at the end. "No dad, type No dad, there are no spaces between the words, it's all one word. No dad, it's not apostrophe s, just "S". No dad, K-E-L-L-I-E, not like the regular spelling. You're there? Ok now click on enter site. Enter blog? No enter site...." I'm crying over here. Good to know we're not alone! :)

Cathy said...

My mom decided to clean off her computer to free up some memory space, because some warning message told her she was low on memory. She deleted everything to do with her ipod among other things. In her defense, she didn't understand why she had something that was clearly meant only for a Mac.
I dread going to visit them because it always ends up with Mike or I on their computer trying to figure out what they hell they just did to it.