A - I KNOW! What's more disturbing is that he has so many followers. Ugh. On another note, I totally didn't know the f--- word was part of your vocabulary. Color me surprised!
not even sure where to start on this one. unfortunately I know a lot of people who think similarly, but they don't go to my church (as far as I know????!)!
Wow. My apologies... apparently I should not be allowed near a computer at 7:22am. I have no idea what that sentence was supposed to say. Can I just delete it and pretend it never happened??? :)
Why in the name o' Zeus do you have that "To help the Haitians,..." header on that? This pervy fudgepacker should not be part of anybody's "giving plan."
How the f--- is this guy still on the air? I just don't get it. Sigh.
A - I KNOW! What's more disturbing is that he has so many followers. Ugh. On another note, I totally didn't know the f--- word was part of your vocabulary. Color me surprised!
not even sure where to start on this one. unfortunately I know a lot of people who think similarly, but they don't go to my church (as far as I know????!)!
to put it more succinctly: what a nutass!
Nutass. Now's there I word you just don't hear enough. Good one, Zozo!
Z - Wait. What? You know people who believe an old pact with the devil is what caused the earthquake?
Terrible, just terrible. What an idiot. But really how is that guy still on the air?
Wow. My apologies... apparently I should not be allowed near a computer at 7:22am. I have no idea what that sentence was supposed to say. Can I just delete it and pretend it never happened??? :)
Jeezus H. Tapdancing Kee-ryst!
Why in the name o' Zeus do you have that "To help the Haitians,..." header on that? This pervy fudgepacker should not be part of anybody's "giving plan."
Busby - You are totally right. Heading changed accordingly.
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