Friday, May 14, 2010

A Washing the Car Story

Yesterday, I helped my mama wash the car because she said it was perfect car washing weather. Our car was super dirty so it very much needed a bath.
I got my own bucket o' suds and my very own rag for washing. You need a rag when your car is super dirty.
I'm tall so reaching the high spots was easy peasy 'cuz our car is a mini car. And turns out the car is green. It was hard to tell under all that dirty dirt.
The tires were really very extremely dirty so I took special care with them. Even tires need loves, people.


Amber said...

I love these! Cayden used to love to wash the car but I remember feeling like it actually made way more work for me to have him "help." And then he would be DONE and ready to move on while I still had a whole car to wash! Them were good times...

Megan said...

Henry is one lucky boy to get to help wash the car! I know kids love those types of activities, but alas, Avery will never experience the joy of washing a car (at least, not with me she won't). I rate washing a car right up there with bamboo shoots under the nails in terms of enjoyment. And the thought of attempting to do it with a toddler? Wow. Two thumbs up for being a good mom and letting him help out!

Christie said...

A., I totally understand where you're coming from. If I had wanted to get the job done in 15 minutes, this would have been torture, but because I allotted two hours for the "project," it went very well.

M., Avery's welcome to come here to help wash my car anytime.