Sunday, January 22, 2012

The gall of some people

Again, I know I should not read the Religious Clause blog because all I do is go ape when I read something I think is completely ridiculous, like one of the latest posts in which a woman convicted of embezzlement asked that 10% of her monthly pay be excluded from garnishment because she wants to continue to tithe to her church.



You embezzled funds from your employer. Is that something a devout religious person does? Perhaps she needs to read a little more of the good book. I'm fairly confident stealing from your employer is a no no. It's not as if she took a loaf of bread to feed her starving children - she stole money, and a lot of it. There is a $1.86 million dollar balance on her restitution order. Calculating average attorney's fees and the like, that puts her haul at just over $1 million.

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