Saturday, February 11, 2012


Last week, it was a slip in the bathroom and a bonk on the back of his head. This week, it was a slip while he was precariously perched on the side of his bed reaching up for a book* and a bonk plus scrape on the front of his head.
We didn't even notice his head because he was making such a fuss over his arm, which is sporting a huge bruise above the elbow. It wasn't until he mentioned his head hurting that we turned on the light and saw that damage.

This morning, the bump is nearly gone and the scrape is looking much better. Thank you, Neosporin and Band-Aid Winnie the Pooh bandages.

*The third project on today's to-do list is reorganizing the shelves so the books are not up so high.


Amber said...

Whoa, Nelly! That looks like it hurt!

Rachele said...

I actually winced.

Megan said...

Poor guy!

You're trending toward the territory of D's parents. D's mom was terrified they'd end up on the child services list because they were at the ER with D's brother so often that when they'd go into the ER, they'd call out his brother's name, "Justin!"