Friday, March 09, 2012

Book six: The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson

Loved it! I finished it in the Mexico! but am just now getting around to blogging about it. I enjoyed this book as much if not more than the first one. And I'm currently about halfway through the third novel in the trilogy. Poor old Lisbeth Salander can't really catch a break can she? If I didn't believe firmly that all would be revealed in the end, I'd feel pretty bad about the predicaments she so often finds herself in. While down in the sunshiny land of Baja, we had a brief discussion about the author after Mr. S commented that it has been claimed that Stieg Larsson is a misogynist. What say you, gentle readers? Larsson does create a strong  and resourceful protagonist but she is subjected to any number of indignities. Does this mean he hates women or admires them? Discuss...

6 down plus 46 to go.

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