Sunday, June 02, 2013

Knitting: Candle Flame scarf

This scarf ends up having cool patterns on both sides. It was pretty easy to knit up although it does require your attention in order to keep the pattern on track. It's the second (or third?) Pay It Forward gift for someone I've completed. I might not be doing a lot of reading, but I am knocking out these knitting projects. Which is good, I guess, because I've convinced myself to make Hen a Harry Potter item from Charmed Knits. The small size I plan on making requires 7 skeins of worsted weight yarn. For you non-knitting folk, that is a lot. Don't believe me? Check this out...

I'm going to take all 1300 yards and create a wizard robe. That is, if all goes according to plan. 


Darren said...

But ... will you have it done by magic class? B/c our kid could be the one with a hand-knitted wool wizards robe. How cool is that?

Rachele said...

I salute your ambitious goal.

Christie said...

d- You take Hen all day, both days of the weekend for each weekend between now and school and I probably could get it done. I'm that fast. Oh yeah.