Monday, July 14, 2008

We are slaves to our own desires

This is a very interesting article about how habits are formed, intentionally or otherwise. I saw myself in this quote:
“If you regularly eat chips while sitting on the couch, after a while, seeing the couch will automatically prompt you to reach for the Doritos. These associations are sometimes so strong that you have to replace the couch with a wooden chair for a diet to succeed.”
You know those Carl's Jr. commercials that intone "burger, fries, coke" over and over? I'm "couch, tv, chips"; "dinner, candy"; "beer, nuts"; "wine, chocolate". Sigh.


Amber said...

For your co-worker and myself, the problem is "dinner's done... what's for dessert?" We've gotten into a bad habit of just expecting dessert to follow dinner and the kids' bedtime, even if we're not all that hungry. It's bad.

Delicious, but bad.

Cynthia said...

Bad habits are hard to break...says the girl sitting on her bed, blogging, and drinking a Coke;)

Cathy said...

I really enjoyed this article - right now the habit I'm trying to break is checking my email over 100 times a day - I think I should move the laptop out of the main living area...that might help