Thursday, December 02, 2010

Is the birther movement finally over?

Apparently not. Can someone show Rep. Leo Berman a copy of their own Certificate of Live Birth and have that guy explain why it's not valid. Because, as I previously mentioned, that is the very same document I got when Henry was born, after filling out the paperwork at the hospital for his birth certificate. And it's the same document I got for myself when I needed a copy of my birth certificate so I could obtain a passport.

HT: One Mr. B.E. Busby, who commented on a very old entry.


B. E. Busby said...

And the beat goes on...

Unknown said...

... and on:

(Trump goes birther... Daily Show video)

Unknown said...

... and on:

(Daily Show sendup of Trump going "birther" -- a sure sign he wants to run in 2012)