Friday, May 18, 2012

Obama vs the stupid state of Arizona

"The birthers are back, baby. Oh you might have thought that President Obama's producing his long form birth certificate last spring might have been the proverbial stake through the heart of birtherism (the belief that the president is ineligible for his office because he was not born in the United States of America), but staking only kills vampires, and the birthers are more aptly compared to zombies: implacably shuffling forward no matter how many holes you shoot in (in this case) their theories."
For the rest of the story, click here. Oy mother fucking vey, people.

1 comment:

B. E. Busby said...

Best part of the article: "... as being birther-curious ..." as in, "I'm not bi-sexual, just ..."

Wow -- if you think AZ is happy-slappy now, let's see what happens in June when the Supremes decide O-care and AZ's immigration laws.